
Attach a toolbar for plugins to easily register buttons on the top of a code block.

How to use

The Toolbar plugin allows for several methods to register your button, using the Prism.plugins.toolbar.registerButton function.

The simplest method is through the HTML API. Add a data-label attribute to the pre element, and the Toolbar plugin will read the value of that attribute and append a label to the code snippet.

<pre data-src="plugins/toolbar/prism-toolbar.js" data-label="Hello World!"></pre>

If you want to provide arbitrary HTML to the label, create a template element with the HTML you want in the label, and provide the template element's id to data-label. The Toolbar plugin will use the template's content for the button. You can also use to declare your event handlers inline:

<pre data-src="plugins/toolbar/prism-toolbar.js" data-label="my-label-button"></pre>
<template id="my-label-button"><button onclick="console.log('This is an inline-handler');">My button</button></template>

For more flexibility, the Toolbar exposes a JavaScript function that can be used to register new buttons or labels to the Toolbar, Prism.plugins.toolbar.registerButton.

The function accepts a key for the button and an object with a text property string and an optional onClick function or url string. The onClick function will be called when the button is clicked, while the url property will be set to the anchor tag's href.

Prism.plugins.toolbar.registerButton('hello-world', {
	text: 'Hello World!', // required
	onClick: function (env) { // optional
		alert('This code snippet is written in ' + env.language + '.');

See how the above code registers the Hello World! button? You can use this in your plugins to register your own buttons with the toolbar.

If you need more control, you can provide a function to registerButton that returns either a span, a, or button element.

Prism.plugins.toolbar.registerButton('select-code', function() {
	var button = document.createElement('button');
	button.innerHTML = 'Select Code';

	button.addEventListener('click', function () {
		// Source:
		if (document.body.createTextRange) { // ms
			var range = document.body.createTextRange();
		} else if (window.getSelection) { // moz, opera, webkit
			var selection = window.getSelection();
			var range = document.createRange();

	return button;

The above function creates the Select Code button you see, and when you click it, the code gets highlighted.

By default, the buttons will be added to the code snippet in the order they were registered. If more control over the order is needed, an HTML attribute can be added to the body tag with a comma-separated string indicating the order.

<body data-toolbar-order="select-code,hello-world,label">